3 Problems every copywriter face and their solution

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I hope you all must be shining in your skies and if you are not, let me shed some light to help you get your lost brightness. 

This post is about being stuck in your career at some point. 

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Happens to everyone. 

Been there. 

Accept that it’s normal. 

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Here are some points that can help you get out of the situation. 

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Reading others’ copy and editing it actually does wonder in reactivating your mind. you saw a sentence, edit it, add some words, remove some words and it makes you the writer of a whole new sentence and helps to overcome your mental block. 

I got a client back in January and she was an impeccable copywriter. But she hired me telling the above technique and it actually worked. I wrote her copy and she edited it. We worked together for 6 months, and I learned a lot in the process. we both did. 

๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ ๐‚๐‹๐€๐’๐’๐ˆ๐‚๐’.

I will be honest here, modern copywriter Gurus doesn’t give me the stimulating vibes. I am not gonna recommend who to read, just find your own classic guru and read as much as you can. The psyche of consumer/customer’s layers explained by classics is much more deep-rooted than moderns. 

Don’t read about copywriting. 

Read Copy itself. 

Last but not least

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Let me tell you when it comes to words, they are not just business. You write with passion, the reader will get the vibes. If you write aggressively, energy will transfer. You can make someone smile in a conversational style, and they can cry with you in storytelling. If you are in this for business, you won’t master it. Enslave yourself for words and they’ll bow before you to be a master. It’s more a lifestyle than just a skill.

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Copywriting tips

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